Hello World Solved by 30626 Basics
  Print 42 Solved by 29633 Basics
  Number of seconds in a year Solved by 19567 Basics
  Using operators Solved by 22143 Basics
  Characters counting Solved by 21828 Basics
  Fix the indentation Solved by 13106 Basics
  Square numbers Solved by 15750 Basics
  Powers of two Solved by 18169 Basics
  Import Solved by 16096 Basics
  Comparisons Solved by 17570 Basics
  Counting Words Solved by 14372
  Fix is_anagram Solved by 2974 Basics
  First function Solved by 11830 Basics
  Print even numbers Solved by 12025 Basics
  Sum of even numbers <= 100 Solved by 11650 Basics Training
  Multiples of 3 and 5 Solved by 10077 Basics Training
  Temperatures Solved by 8293 Basics Realist
  Print every two letters pairs Solved by 8150 Basics Training
  Print every pair of distinct letters Solved by 7309 Basics Training
  Longest word Solved by 6792 Realist
  Print sorbet flavors Solved by 5880 Realist
  Distance Solved by 5297 Training
  Sets of love Solved by 3810 Realist
  Sort students Solved by 3129
  Check if a number is prime Solved by 4270 Training
  Sum of every prime number below n Solved by 2910 Training
  Print every prime numbers in a range Solved by 2520 Training
  Next prime Solved by 2079 Training
  Reverse Roman Numerals Solved by 2067 Realist
  Select students Solved by 1857 Realist
  Friday the 13th Solved by 1310 Realist
  The missing card Solved by 1560 Realist
  Playing with anagrams Solved by 981 Realist
  Dyck words Solved by 383 Realist
  Currency Solved by 948 Realist
  Flatten lists Solved by 1064 Training
  Perfect deck shuffle Solved by 986 Realist
  The Fibonacci sequence Solved by 1706 Training
  Hearts emojis Solved by 745 Realist
  Exceptions Solved by 1406
  Display the date and time Solved by 3547 Training
  Print the content of a file Solved by 1315 Training
  Text framing Solved by 444 Realist
  Draw N Squares Solved by 738 Realist
  Pernicious numbers Solved by 825 Training
  Adam Number Solved by 228 Training
  Product of iterable Solved by 1266 Training
  Count the lower 'e' in the 'words' file Solved by 1208 Training
  Is divisible by ? Solved by 1347 Training
  Student class Solved by 949 Realist
  Frequency of letters in a file Solved by 844 Training
  Doing HTTP requests Solved by 749
  Print battery charge Solved by 843 Realist
  Side by side Solved by 417 Realist
  Largest product in a series Solved by 769 Training
  Format your output Solved by 576 Realist
  Roman Numerals Solved by 476 Realist
  Lambda expressions Solved by 651 Training
  Caesar Cypher Solved by 516 Realist
  Longest Collatz sequence Solved by 737 Training
  Largest product in a grid Solved by 448 Training
  Break a safe Solved by 554 Realist
  Password Generator Solved by 514 Realist
  bencode, bdecode Solved by 203 Realist
  Restaurant menu Solved by 227
  Py Master Mind Solved by 273 Realist
  Elementary cellular automaton Solved by 165 Realist
  Temperature class Solved by 392 Realist
  Abelian sandpiles Solved by 188 Numpy Realist
  CSV and Python Solved by 273 Training
  Sequence Mining Solved by 169 Realist
  Change for 42€ Solved by 212 Realist
  Pascal's triangle Solved by 428 Training
  IRC logs as CSV Solved by 94 Realist
  Make your own 2048 in Python! Solved by 113 Numpy
  Print parameters Solved by 2404 Basics Command line
  Print the first parameter Solved by 1735 Basics Command line
  Simple adder Solved by 1627 Command line Training
  Calculator Solved by 607 Realist Command line
  Fir tree Solved by 174 Realist Command line
  Dirichlet solver Solved by 113 Numpy
  Need more exercises ? Solved by 1 Realist